
Cinema Saturday Creative Challenge ~ The Wizard Of Oz

How fun, what a great movie for Sankari & Brooke to pick this week for their CSCC. I don't know anyone that hasn't seen The Wizard of Oz! There are so many things in the movie that you could use for inspiration. The challenge "rules" for this week were, obviously to use the movie for inspiration and to include a metallic element on your piece. FUN & SHINY!!! There are many cutesy fun parts about the movie, and then there are many dark and spooky parts of the movie. I couldn't stop thinking about those darn creepy flying monkeys, I especially was creeped out by them as a kid!!!!
So that is where I went on my creation, however in a twisted sort of way.

I used a shiny skull sticker for the head of the monkey and a winged heart for the rest when I realized I only had cute monkey stamps, no creeepy monkey bodies haha. I took a piece of thick aluminum foil and ran it through my cuttle bug embossing folder. Then I brushed on a little Gesso to the raised parts so that I could get some
RAINBOW themed paint colors on the branches and flowers.
I made the flowers red even though they are not POPPIES. Then my own little story came together in my head, (yeah that happens sometimes(ok a lot)) and it was almost as if this little flying faux monkey wanted to steal the TIN MANS HEART for his own...alas I constructed the heart with some stickers and bling. The chain was from a wine bottle cover that I got as a gift that I will find a thousand things to use those little treasures on. I also added the blingy eyes to the skull, can't have empty eye sockets. This was hard to get a good photo of it because it is very metallic! The skull face is actually silver, not black but it is hard to get it to show up right in the photo. IRL it actually has a lot of color!

It also looks much different with the flash!

My Mom and Uncle Dan love this movie, it is their favorite, but I know what my Mom will say, "couldn't you have done something pretty, without skulls?" LOL, the next one will be!

Have a great day!


  1. Juliann, this is awesome! Your flying monkey is creep-y, and that foil bg is totally, completely cool!

  2. Oh My Gosh -- this is absolutely FANTASTIC

  3. Jules,

    Did you have to put that skull in there? OMG very very creepy. Sometimes I wonder what you are thinking about in that skathing little brain of yours, haaha.

    Worlds Best wizard of oz fan
    Your MaMa

    Hee Hee

  4. YA!! She's back.. We have missed you... I almost didn't recognize you in the pic with the kitty. Way to make a EVIL card!! I have to say that thoses monkeys scared the crap out of me when I was a kid as well. The Tinfoil is pure genius... I am totally going to remember that little tidbit.


  5. YA!! She's back.. We have missed you... I almost didn't recognize you in the pic with the kitty. Way to make a EVIL card!! I have to say that thoses monkeys scared the crap out of me when I was a kid as well. The Tinfoil is pure genius... I am totally going to remember that little tidbit.


  6. See I told you my Mom would love it!!!

  7. Cool, I've never tried embossing Aluminum Foil, I really love the effect. Thanks for the details on how you did it, awesome.

  8. THAT is creativity at its finest -- wow --- LOVE it!

  9. Hi Juliann.....Love your amazing creation...it is a work of ART!

    Your mum's comment is near the 'Leave Your Comment' box here and I looked across as I was typing and started reading at 'Did you have to put that skull in there?....and my mouth dropped open and I was immediately thinking...why didn't Juliann delete that rude comment? GRIN.......it helps if you read the whole thing hey??? Sorry Juliann's Mom!

    Best wishes,


  10. that's one amazing card, creepy but just amazing :)

    miss coming her and so glad to be back

  11. Well, Juliann, this is quite an introduction to your blog! LOL
    I think it's fabulous! I love the embossed foil and I was wondering how you added your color-gesso-brilliant! A wonderfully creepy flying monkey...excellent!
    Blessings, Maria

  12. That is a funky card! Those monkeys creeped me out too!

  13. Funny how when we think about the movie, most of us immediately think about those creepy monkeys! I think this movie is why I am so in love with the whole horror genre of movies now! LOL Great card Kiddo! Love the foil embossing! Best, Curt

  14. Wow, I love this... in a way it's like an Impressionist painting with the twists you gave the inspiration

  15. Hi Juliann! WOW, this is so interesting to look at--there's so many colors and textures! :) I still love Wizard of Oz...ya didn't care for the monkeys but the rest was great!


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