
Soul Journal - Creative Armor

Today's SJ is making a page with a suit of armor on it. This was definitely something that I have never worked with before. Again I am following the start of this journal from Caspiana Blog. I am having a lot of fun playing with some stuff that I haven't done before. Who doesn't love to cut and paste.
The idea is to find what you need to protect your creative spirit or soul. This is what I came up with:
These are the clip art pictures that I started with. you can find these and more ~HERE~
I printed them out and went to town!
Below is a family crest that I altered to suit my project.
I also used a combination of rub-ons, stamps, markers, colored pencils, glue, matte gel, gesso, inks, sponges....I guess that is about it.
I wrote out what I was feeling that I need to protect and nurture my creative self, it reads as follows:
COURAGE to try new things.
Follow my HEART to be true to myself.
Shelter and inspiration from TREES and nature.
FREEDOM to color outside the lines and to do what I want to do.
Be KIND to myself and others even when it is hard
and I don't want to.
Everything doesn't have to be just so love imperfections.
Find beauty in small things in nature
and all around us,
just look.
DREAM bigger.
CREATE more.
Enjoy inner PEACE.

All the words capitalized were the ones I put on my "family crest"
It is fun to get out of my comfort zone.


  1. love, love, love what you did with the prompt! I started Cas's Soul Journal project (the last time around) and was doing really good for a while and then got serously sidetracked ... you might have just convinced me to break it out and try the next step. :) enjoy the project!

  2. O my..Creative Armour - how wonderful! and thank you SO much for leaving that wonderful comment on my blog. blessings of creativity spring where you step!
    Now back I go to the next prompt..mumble mumble..where did I put that paste???
    LN of herebedreams

  3. Wow! Love your armour! TFS

  4. I looked here to find out more about 'my new best friend'!!!!!!! Thank you for you lovely comments. I am flattered that you like my blog. Coming from a blog wizard, as you so clearly are, means more than a lot to me. Plus, you are an aMAZing artist. I have only had time for a quick peek, but I have rss'd you (not good said out loud! ;o) I will be a regular in future. This grasshopper has much to learn..........

  5. I love your soul armour is so lovely and encouraging to yourself!
    Great job...can't wait to see more!

  6. your armor page is gorgeous!

    welcome to the group...i think you find the exercises rewarding
    i am enjoying getting to know you through the rest of your blog

  7. Your page is so much gorgeous !!!
    Love the frame !!


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~Peace and Hugs~